Hybrid Advocacy Committee Meeting
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
In person location: UC Davis MIND Institute - Room 1115
2825 50th St
Sacramento, CA 95817
The Advocacy Committee Hybrid Meeting will take place in person at UC Davis MIND Institute and via Zoom. Join fellow pediatricians and trainees from around the region as we share advocacy opportunities and updates. Given the upcoming election, we will focus our discussion on civic engagement and voting with a special presentation from Vot-ER. Dinner will be provided for in person attendees. Please join us for an upcoming Hybrid AAPCA1 Advocacy Committee meeting on Wednesday, August 28, 7:00PM-8:30PM!
Please include any dietary restrictions and whether you plan to attend in person or virtually when you RSVP. Let us know if you have advocacy opportunities or interests to add to the agenda, as well.
In-person location:
UC Davis MIND Institute – 2825 50th St, Sacramento, CA 95817
Online: Zoom link (Zoom Meeting ID Details are in the Calendar invite)
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Advocacy Committee Information
The Advocacy Committee works in conjunction with the District AAP to review legislation affecting child health in California. The Chapter committee handles grassroots efforts on statewide legislation based on District policy and positions. The Advocacy Committee will disseminate information via online and email in support or opposition of regulations, bills, resolutions and other legislative formats which the District does not have the staff time to consider.
Co-Chairs and Resident Co-Chairs
Stephanie Fong Gomez, MD, MD, FAAP, Morgan Leighton, MD, MPH, FAAP, Maria Josefina Mba Wright, MD, FAAP, Lena van der List, DO, FAAP & Victoria Chi, MD
Contact: info@aapca1.org