Use Your Expertise to Advocate for Children's Health in California!

Are you passionate about improving children's health and looking for ways to make a meaningful impact beyond your clinical practice?

AAP California Chapter 1 offers pediatricians, residents, and medical students a variety of volunteer leadership opportunities to advocate for policies that support children and families across Northern and Central California. Whether you're interested in legislative advocacy, community engagement, or advancing equity in pediatric care, our committees and initiatives provide a platform to use your expertise, collaborate with like-minded professionals, and drive real change.

Join us in shaping a healthier future for California’s children!

Leadership Opportunities at AAPCA1

Leadership Opportunities at AAP-CA & AAP District IX

Pediatricians seeking to make an impact beyond their local chapter can engage with AAP California (AAP-CA) and AAP District IX to influence child health policy on a broader scale.

AAP-CA serves as the unified state-wide advocacy voice for all four AAP California chapters, leading statewide advocacy efforts and working directly with legislators to advance policies that protect and promote children’s health.

At the national level, AAP District IX represents all four California chapters within the American Academy of Pediatrics, ensuring that the perspectives of California pediatricians are heard. As part of the AAP’s national district structure, District IX plays a key role in shaping federal policy, advocating for child health funding, and supporting statewide initiatives that align with AAP’s mission.

There are currently no available opportunities, but please check back soon!