State and National Level Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Resources

ACEs Aware

California Surgeon General’s website for ACEs resources and ACEs screening initiative

AAP’s Resilience Project

AAP’s Resilience Project includes a tool kit for health car providers to better understand the effects of exposure to violence and sections of how to improve practice, policy and education, policy and eduction, and creating a medical home children and adolescents exposed to violence.  Peds 21 presentations from 2015 are also included.


Trauma Informed Care

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides information about trauma, trauma response, and treatments that work.  Also has training opportunities.

Resources for Child Trauma-informed Care

Trauma Informed Pediatric Care: Iowa ACES Data and 21st Century Practice covers the health impact of ACES and provider roles in screening. Trauma Informed Care Scenario.


Trainings and Courses

AAP ECHO Trauma and Resilience Course

Telementoring program for health care professionals to learn about and improve the identification, care, management and outcomes of traumatized children and their families in pediatric settings. There are 2 levels to this program.  [Several chapter members have participated in these courses and found them valuable. <– ok to include names/contact/etc?]

– Level 1: Trauma Aware – 6 one-hours weekly sessions

– Level 2: Trauma-Responsive – 12 one-hour weekly sessions

Mind-Body Skills Training for Resilience, Effectiveness, and Mindfulness (STREAM) ​

An innovative on-line education program for health professionals developed by the Ohio State University Center for Integrative Health and Wellness designed to help you learn and practice skills that will help you personally and professionally to become more resilient in the face of stress, more clinically effective in helping patients, and more mindful in your daily life as you learn the latest scientific research about mind-body skills, engage in reflective practices, and use our free online recordings of evidence-based mind-body practices.  Cost approx $25 per module with $15 for registration, bulk discount available at time of this posting.  

Additional educational opportunities related to child abuse and neglect can be found on the Section on Child Abuse and Neglect Website.  Other AAP educational opportunities can be found on Pedialink​

AAP Policies on ACEs and Child Maltreatment


Resources for Families

Sesame Street in Communities

Sesame Street has videos on traumatic experiences for families (parents or caregivers) and resources for providers for different age levels. They have characters who have experienced homelessness and foster care and have segments helping others better understand and support them. Also available in Spanish.

The Center on the Developing Child

This center from Harvard was created to connect science, programs, and policy. It offers videos and games to explain toxic stress and ways to address it.


Explore other Resources:

Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide Risk

Behavioral & Emotional Concerns (Attention, Emotional Dysregulation and Aggression)

Surveillance, Screening and Psychosocial Assessment for Behavioral Health Concerns

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