Member at Large
JEFFREY RIBORDY, MD, FAAP – North Coastal Area Director

Hello from Northern California! My name is Jeff Ribordy and I’m your Area Director for the Northern Coastal region. However, I am not new to this position as I was a North Coastal Area Director some time in the past (don’t ask me when – all the years have blended together, especially after 2020) as well as previously the Secretary for the AAPCA1 Board. (My shorthand is terrible) I am a Children’s Hospital Oakland alum (Class of ‘98) and since then have lived in Humboldt County, among the redwoods and beautiful, deserted beaches. I currently see patients (very infrequently) at United Indian Health Services here. The rest of the time I am a Regional Medical Director for Partnership HealthPlan of California, a Medi-Cal Managed Care health plan. I look forward to representing the Northern Coastal area.