Resolution Writing Workshop
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Meet our Speaker
John Takayama, MD, MPH – District IX Chapter Forum Management Committee (CFMC) Representative
Dr. Takayama is a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of California San Francisco and directs a clinic for children with medical complexity and developmental disabilities. He is particularly interested in patient-physician communication, child advocacy and community collaboration, and health care transition for youth with special healthcare needs. He serves on the Executive Committee of the AAP Section on Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics and is Past President of the Northern California Chapter. He also serves as AAP District IX (California) representative to the CFMC (Chapter Forum Management Committee), which plans the annual Leadership Conference. He recommends balanced meals, walking (or swimming) outdoors, getting sleep, practicing kindness, pursuing a passion and staying connected with friends and family as six simple steps for wellness.
Want to learn more before our workshop? Here’s an overview:
- Pick an issue that you are passionate about. 2022’s top resolution, voted on by chapter, committee, section and council leaders at the annual leadership conference, was on “developing resources for pediatricians in advocacy roles who were experiencing stress, threats of violence and/or public attacks.”
- Search for past resolutions (see below) to make sure that you don’t end up writing something that has already been approved.
- Collaborate with others to make this a team effort; it’s less effort and more fun that way. The national deadline for submission is April 1, 2024. It’s always a good idea to submit your resolution for chapter sponsorship at least several weeks before the deadline.
In August, 2023, six resolutions from authors in our chapter were adopted at the annual Leadership Conference. The following are the resolutions and how entities within the academy responded:
Resolution | Response |
# 14: Recognition of Advocacy as an Essential Skill for Pediatricians by Creation and Distribution of Tools to Support the Advancement of Advocacy-Focused Pediatricians
(John Feister, MD, FAAP; Sheila Razdan, MD, MPH, FAAP) |
COFGA (Committee on Federal Government Affairs): AAP is already addressing this, including the launching of a digital Advocacy Guide (aap.org/advocacyguide); COPE (Committee on Pediatric Education): AAP is currently compiling an inventory of educational materials to promote their availability to learners. |
#17: Increasing Access to Mental Health Services for Youth by Restructuring Medicaid Payment
(Alicia Callejo-Black, MD; Emilee Tu, MD; Heyman Oo, MD, FAAP) |
COHMED (Council on Healthy Mental and Emotional Development)’s strategic plan priorities include advocacy initiatives that support integration of mental health competencies including addressing same-day billing restrictions, increasing Medicaid payment to appropriate levels, and innovative models of integration. |
#20: Electric Double Pump Coverage by Insurance Including Medicaid for Lactating Individuals if Needed (Darren Bodkin, MBBS, FAAP – Pennsylvania; John Feister, MD, FAAP) | SOBr (Section on Breast Feeding) has supported legislation on breast pump coverage in the past and would do so again in the future. |
#34: Decreasing Needle Stick Pain During Vaccinations with Non- Pharmacologic Interventions (Robert T. Wilder, MD, PhD, FAAP; Rita Agarwal, MD, FAAP) | SOA (Section on Anesthesiology) has identified the following action items to decrease needle stick pain and anxiety/fear, including an educational proposal to the NCE planning group, authoring an AAP News article, Pediatrics “Perspectives” article and HealthyChildren.org article on the CARD (Comfort, Ask, Relax, Distract) system. |
#47: Promoting Trainee Education on Gun Violence Prevention (Emilee Tu, MD; Dina Abdo, MD; Alicia Callejo-Black, MD; Vivien K. Sun, MD, FAAP) | AAP Education and COPE agree that this is important and will advocate to the American Board of Pediatrics and the ACGME regarding inclusion within the program requirements; they are currently compiling an inventory of AAP educational materials to promote their availability to members and learners. |
#57: Avoiding Scheduling Conflicts Between the Leadership Conference and Other Large Pediatric Conferences (Nicole Webb, MD, FAAP; Grant Christman, MD, FAAP – California Chapter 2) | AAP Chapter, District and Member Engagement Team will work with the AAP Live Educational Activities Team to ensure that future Leadership Conferences do not conflict with large conferences or gatherings focused on pediatric or pediatric subspecialties. |