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Attitudes, Access, and Barriers towards Developmental Screening in Communities of Color

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

As pediatricians, we are passionate about child development and want to support our diverse set of patients in any way possible. Please join us for a thought-provoking and informative discussion on how beliefs and biases influence attitudes, access, and barriers to developmental screening. The discussion will run deep, and we will further enhance your understanding on this important topic!



Meet Our Speakers!

Neel D. Patel, MD (facilitator) Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Help Me Grow San Mateo Physician Champion, AAP Chapter 1 Member at Large San Mateo 

Dr. Neel Patel is a community pediatrician and medical director at Palo Alto Medical Foundation Pediatrics in San Carlos. He is a Physician Champion for developmental screening through First 5 Help Me Grow San Mateo, former First 5 San Mateo County Commissioner and serves as the AAPCA1 Member at Large for San Mateo.




Michelle Blakely, MA
Deputy Director, First 5 San Mateo County

Michelle Blakely serves as the deputy director for First 5 San Mateo County.  Michelle received her graduate degree from San Francisco State University in Early Childhood Special Education Administration. Through her work at First 5 she provides leadership in strategy, program development, evaluation, budget, and advocacy for children. Prior to joining First 5, Michelle worked as an early education consultant and board member for a variety of projects and agencies in the SF Bay Area and in Texas. She also has experience in direct service, child, and family support through Early Head Start and Early Intervention.


Baraka Floyd, MD, MSc – Clinical Assistant Professor in Pediatrics, Associate Chair for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the Department of Pediatrics Stanford Children’s Hospital

Dr. Baraka Floyd is the Associate Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Clinical Assistant Professor in the Division of General Pediatrics at Stanford.  Dr. Floyd has a distinguished track record of community engagement, mentorship, and scholarship in health disparities. Dr. Floyd has championed several initiatives to support marginalized communities in the areas of legal aid, food insecurity, postpartum depression, diaper distributions and much more. She teaches residents and medical students and has received numerous awards in teaching.  Her list of accomplishments in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion are extensive.


Mikah Owen, MD, MPH – UC Davis Health Children’s Hospital, AAPCA Chapter 1 Equity Diversity and Inclusion Champion

Dr. Mikah Owens currently serves as a pediatrician at UC Davis Children’s Hospital. Dr. Owen’s clinical interests include preventive care, behavioral health and primary care integration and population health with a focus on health equity. Over the pandemic, Dr. Owen served as a consultant with local school districts, and assisted with the return to in-person instruction and much more.  He currently serves as the AAPCA Chapter 1 Equity Diversity and Inclusion Champion.





Jackie Ramirez – Patient Family Advisor, Pediatrics at Palo Alto Medical Foundation

Jackie Ramirez is mother to three children ages 3, 5 and 14.  Her youngest daughter was born at 29 weeks prematurity and benefitted from early intervention, mostly during COVID.  Jackie knows firsthand the benefits and challenges of gaining access to quality early intervention and can provide the perspective of a parent on the receiving end.  In addition to raising her family, she currently is back in school to obtain her Bachelor’s Degree in Science,  and serves as a family advisor and patient advocate in pediatrics at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation. One day she hopes to further her education and work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Stanford and bring help and joy to many families. 



