What is the Data Exchange Framework?
The data exchange framework is an agreement across health and human services systems and providers to share information safely. That means every health care provider can access the information they need to treat you quickly and safely; health care, behavioral health and social services agencies can connect to each other to deliver what Californians need to be healthy; and our public health system can better assess how to address the needs of all communities.
Hundreds of experts and members of the public have spent the last year shaping a framework that delivers on these principles. On this website, learn more about the progress toward seamless data exchange that will improve Californians’ experience of health care, support California’s whole-person care transformation, and put consumers in the drivers’ seat with our health data.
Data Exchange Framework Guiding Principles
Why is it needed?
Every Californian, no matter where we live, should be able to walk into a doctor’s office, a county social service agency, or an emergency room and be assured health and human services providers can access the information they need to provide safe, effective, whole person care—while keeping our data private and secure.
This is the goal of California’s Health and Human Services Data Exchange Framework, a first-ever, statewide data sharing agreement that will accelerate and expand the exchange of health information among health care entities, government agencies, and social service programs beginning in 2024.
Sign the Data Sharing Agreement
Learn more about the California Data Exchange and signing agreement requirements here: https://www.mwe.com/
What Can I Do?
- Get ready – Work with your Practice Leadership and/or Chief (Medical) Information Officer to ensure that your patient's health data can be shared with the California in a manner that adheres to professional and legal obligations related to pediatric/adolescent data privacy and access. Ensure that the California Health Data Exchange Framework fits with your ongoing health data exchange efforts--including EHR-vendor-based data sharing and initiative to share information with schools and community-based organizations.
- Take Action - On November 29, 2022, CalHHS launched a Signing Portal to allow health care providers, plans and other health care organizations to sign the DSA.
Newsletter Articles
"What is the Data Exchange Framework?"
How many times have you seen a patient in your clinic with mental health concerns and discovered at the end of the visit that they were already seeing a therapist? The Data Exchange Framework (DxF) is an opportunity to create equitable and affordable health information exchange
"AAPCA1 Submits Comments to Ensure Safe Participation for Pediatric Providers in the California Data Exchange Framework"
AAP CA Chapter 1 has engaged with the CalHHS to communicate with stakeholders about the evolving statewide health information exchange framework as mandated by Assembly Bill 133. Signed into law by Governor Newsom in 2021, the bill called for (1) a single data sharing agreement to be executed by all California healthcare providers and (2) a common set of policies and procedures for data exchange that participants will follow. CalHHS is charged with implementing these elements through a stakeholder-driven consultative process.
"Are You Ready for Data Exchange? Check Your Patient Portal"
The world of real-time data exchange between health care agencies, hospitals, community-based organizations, and social service agencies is coming quickly, with electronic exchange of health and social services information for many Californian health and social services providers anticipated by January 31, 2024.
"Data Exchange Updates"
California Health & Human Services Agency (CalHHS) and Center for Data Insights and Innovation (CDII) have announced that nine (9) organizations have met the requirements to be designated as Qualified Health Information Organizations (QHIOs) in the Data Exchange Framework (DxF). These organizations are available to DxF Participants seeking assistance in meeting their DxF exchange obligations.
"National and Statewide Progress for Health Data Exchange"
On February 13 the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) took a significant leap forward toward comprehensive nationwide Health Data Exchange when it announced the first set of Qualified Health Information Networks (QHINS).
"Data Exchange Framework Initiative Updates"
CDII has allocated up to $47 million for DSA Signatory Grants that provide support to DSA Signatories to subsidize their efforts to implement the DxF. The program includes two grant options for Signatories: QHIO Onboarding Grants and Technical Assistance (TA) Grants.
"State and Federal Efforts Promote Greater Health Information Sharing"
In July 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom and the California State Assembly enacted AB 133 (Chapter 143, Statutes of 2021), which calls for a statewide health and human services data exchange framework. This framework, known as the Data Exchange Framework (DxF) consists of a statewide data-sharing agreement (DSA) and a common set of policies and procedures to promote and govern the exchange of health information among California government agencies, providers, and health care entities.
"AAP California Chapter 1 Completes Educational Engagement with California Health Data Exchange: Data Sharing"
One year ago, the Northern California Chapter 1 of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) was engaged by California Health & Human Services, as well as the Center for Data Insights and Innovation, to gather input and provide education related to the California Health Data Exchange.
Chapter Chats
Chapter Chat: Chapter Chat – Balancing Adolescent Privacy and Data Sharing – 1/16/2024
Chapter Chat: Chapter Chat – California Data Exchange Framework (DxF) Town Hall #2: Updates and Grants – 5/25/2023
Chapter Chat: The Data Exchange Framework Initiative – 1/24/2023
Slides Available HERE & HERE (Balancing Adolescent Privacy and Data Sharing)
Resources: The Data Exchange Framework Initiative – CalHHS Website
Resources and More Information
Click above image to view full size
Applying for Data Exchange Framework (DxF) Grants and Other DxF Program Updates (4/18/2023, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT)
DxF Webinar 9 (5/16/2023, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT)
DxF Webinar 10 (6/22/2023, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PT)
DxF Webinar 11 (7/25/2023, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT)
- Register for Webinar 11
DxF Webinar 12 (8/24/2023, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM PT)
Stay tuned for upcoming chapter chats!
View and print flyers here:
Seth Bokser, MD, MPH is a Pediatric Hospitalist and Clinical Informaticist. He is a Clinical Professor at the UCSF Medical School and Benioff Children's Hospital. He has spent over two decades developing and implementing health care technology tools. He is an expert in Electronic Health Record data. His current research is focused on utilizing clinical data to improve clinical diagnostics.
Diane Dooley, MD, FAAP - Chairperson, AAPCA1 Mental Health Committee
is an associate clinical professor of Family and Community Medicine at UC San Francisco and a pediatrician working at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center. As a practicing pediatrician serving low-income patients, she has championed local and statewide initiatives to improve care for children. Now semi-retired, she serves as the chairperson of the American Academy of Pediatrics Chapter 1 Committee on Mental Health Access. She is also a member of the California Children’s Trust Steering Committee, the board of the American Academy of Pediatrics Chapter 1, and the steering committee for the UCSF Collaborative Research Network. She has also published and made presentations on mental health access and prevention, childhood obesity, and early childhood caries.

Resham Kaur, MD, FAAP
A Special Thank You to Our Staff
Yolanda Ruiz, BSPH - Executive Director
Sana Sayyid, BS - Project Coordinator
Do you have questions or want a presentation for your group?
Contact Sana Sayyid at projectcoordinator@aapca1.org or contact here:
This grant program is only made possible thanks to donations to the Friends of Children Fund.